Merge (Cutting Out) 3D Shapes

By Aaron Dishno Ed.D.


When you Create a 3D Building – 3D Building Blocks you might notice that there is a limited number of 3D Shapes to work with so far. This article will expand that exponentially. This is an advanced topic.

Openings in Walls


Continuing to create our 3D Building, I am sure you noticed we do not have an opening to get inside. We could have created multiple parts of the wall to leave an opening. Notice that we could place three walls and leave an opening.

Opening by Omission
Opening by Omission

But you would have to create at least six Walls if you want a window next to a door.

The same door opening can be accomplished by creating one solid wall and cutting out a door. This method would only need two 3D Shapes (the Wall and the Cut Out).

Opening by Merge
Opening by Merge


Merged Shapes a Better Method

Conceptually, we take a 3D Shape and add another 3D Shape that intersects it. Then using the properties of the second shape, we set it to Subtract from the first 3D Shape.

Here are the steps:

We are going to center a door opening on the front Wall.

To begin, add a Box:

Admin -> Edit 3D Building -> Add 3D Building Block -> Add Box

Center the Box on the Wall and change the Length to:

  • Position: Z = 0.00      X = -49.00      Y = 8.45
  • Length:    Z = 8.00      X = 10.00       Y = 16.00
  • Rotation: Z = 0.00      X = 0.00         Y = 0.00
Door Opening Position
Door Opening Position

Scroll down and click the link to Show Advanced Options.

Continue Scrolling Down to the section for Merge Shapes.

Merge Shapes
Merge Shapes

Select Subtract from Another Shape from the drop-down.

Next, click the button Pick Shape to Merge. The button text will change to Cancel Pick Shape.

Move your mouse over the Wall and click the Left Mouse Button.

Select Wall to Merge
Select Wall to Merge

The clicked Shape will be listed below the drop-down, the Shape will be cut out (Subtracted) from the Wall, and the Shape you are merging will become transparent. See the illustration below.

Merge Shape Subtracted
Merge Shape Subtracted

Click Save Box to finish.

Note: if you clicked the wrong object, just click the button to Change Shape to Merge and use your mouse to move over and left click the Wall again.

Repeat the above steps and create a window opening to the right of the door.

Here are some sample settings:

  • Position:  Z = -25.00   X = -49.00     Y = 11.00
  • Length:    Z = 20.00      X = 10.00     Y = 10.00
  • Rotation: Z = 0.00      X = 0.00         Y = 0.00

Here is the final product:

Window Cut Out
Window Cut Out


In order to edit a Subtracted Merge Shape, you will need to use option

Admin -> Editor Settings -> Show Merged Shapes


Next is a walk-through of the Editor Settings.


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