3D Community Websites

3D Community Websites

A 3D Community Websites is the end product where you go to Walk the WebTM. It is a Community, city, province, state, country, continent, world, planet, solar system, universe, or any other existence to Pan and Walk as a visual 3D representation of the Internet. It binds one or more 3D Building Websites to create realistic or fictitious places to Browse in 3D.


3D Community Websites provide global information and elements such as street signs, lights, skies, ground, roads, elevations and topographic data, landscape, and vegetation.


3D Community Websites are identifiable by the web address. For example: https://3d.walktheweb.com/wtw identifies the 3D Community for WTW (Walk the Web).


3D Community websites can also have custom domain names assigned. (May be subject to a subscription fee).
For example: http://3d.samanthahardinghomes.com

Notice that some of the same 3D Buildings appear in multiple 3D Communities.