Pan and Walk the View

Pan and Walk

Pan the View

Pan the View - The first type of movement for 3D Internet Browsing is the ability to Pan the View. This movement imitates you standing in one location and looking around; up, down, left, or right. Panning will change the direction you are facing. If you repeat the process a number of times left or right, you will complete a full circle back to your original direction. As you turn left or right, the compass heading rotates to match the direction you are facing. This is useful in navigating the 3D Building Websites.

Pan the View with a Mouse

Walk the View

The second type of movement for 3D Internet Browsing is the ability to Walk the View. This is forward and backwards movement based on the direction you are facing. Walking will change your location on a Grid or 3D Community Website.

Walk the view with a Mouse