3D Plugin Template
The 3D Plugin Template is the base code structure for creating and developing Custom 3D Plugins to be used with WalkTheWeb.
Download the 3D Plugin Template here:
Getting Started on your 3D Plugin:
- You will need a DevID (Developer ID).
This is the prefix to your plugin name.
Example: WTW-Paintball (WTW is the DevID.)
- Download the 3D Plugin Template
- Search and Replace the Following with your Dev ID and Plugin Name (Keep the same format Capital letters and _ or – as shown):
- devidplugintemplate
- devid-plugintemplate
- Understand the 3D Object naming scheme.
- Write your code, here are some key functional areas:
- PHP Hooks – Write your JavaScript script pages and functions and use the PHP Hooks to activate them within key WTW core functions.
- Connect PHP Files – used to pull JSON data from the database on your server or provide another server with structure data.
- Handlers PHP Files – used to connect to your database (select, insert, update, or delete data) during 3D browsing.
- Functions PHP Files – used commonly with Handlers to complete the Database tasks.
- Menus PHP Files – add your items to the main or Admin (Editor) Menu.
- Action Zones JavaScript – triggers placed in the 3D Scenes to activate JavaScript (Loading, unloading, start animation, activate functions, etc…).
- Molds (Meshes with Wrappers) JavaScript – These are 3D objects, shapes, particle systems, and Babylon Code produced effects (like smoke) used in the 3D Scenes. Use this to create or add your own custom Molds (Meshes).
- Coverings (Materials with Wrappers) JavaScript – These are the textures, materials, coloring, transparency, alpha, reflection, refraction, and other special effects relating to covering (materials) the surface of the Molds (Meshes).
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