Learn about Creating 3D Websites.

3D Websites allow you to WalkTheWeb from one 3D Website to another.

While over half of the 4 billion people on the Internet now play online games, Internet Browsing has not fundamentally changed in decades. WalkTheWeb is applying gaming technology to Internet Browsing to bring you 3D Browsing!

Join us as we perfect 3D Browsing and launch 3D Internet to the world!



WalkTheWeb 3D Websites are the most versatile 3D Websites in the world because they are designed to seamlessly connect as part of the patented 3D Browsing vision realized by Dr. Aaron Dishno. To simplify this amazing feature, WalkTheWeb 3D Websites come in to types; 3D Building Websites and 3D Community Scenes.


3D Building Websites

3D Building Websites are the businesses, 3D Shopping Stores, organizations, storefronts, office buildings, and other buildings created under a 3D Game technology.

3D Building Websites are like transformations of traditional websites into 3D Buildings. 3D Building Websites combine the concept of a virtual brick-and-mortar building, 3D game technology, and merged with the characteristics of websites like forms, links, scroll bars, text, images, multimedia, and buttons.

A 3D Building can be an actual building, house, business, structure, or any creation such as a bridge, tunnel, statue, castle, light house, game, stadium, open space, etc… A 3D Building can be created and maintained in one place while added to many 3D Community Scenes for 3D Browsing.



3D Community Scenes

3D Community Scenes are the maps that connect 3D Building Websites. 3D Community Scenes include the terrain, roads, sidewalks, plants, and other objects to complete the 3D Scene.

For the most part even though you can browse a 3D Building Website, 3D Communities are the main 3D Websites for 3D Browsing. 3D Communities combine multiple 3D Building Websites to produce 3D Shopping Malls and Community Centers with a mix of businesses, games, art and animation for all ages to enjoy!

While other companies may create 3D Websites, WalkTheWeb created 3D Internet with our patented technology.


3D Community


Just the beginning!

WalkTheWeb is blazing a trail with 3D Browsing. Each day we are adding functionality and pushing the boundaries with gaming technology and websites; the next generation of Internet in 3D!

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