Life Changing Moments… Death of Someone Close

Mom Maggie and her friend at the nursing home, Eugenia

In December 2016 I had a sturdy job as webmaster making over $100,000 a year with San Bernardino County and a second job as an adjunct professor at La Sierra University. My wife, Karen, had a well-paying position as a Special Education Teacher at a school district. We lived in a three-bedroom, two-bath house in the Inland Empire. We enjoyed weekends on a 30 foot sailboat. We are a highly educated couple with a doctorate, master degree, and multiple teaching credentials. So, why change anything? Time for a mid-life crisis? No, it didn’t quite happen that way.

My grade-school years were possibly the last time I remember the same complacent feeling in my gut. In a way, coasting through life, carefree, and having the feeling of mastering my own existence of radio control planes, boy scouts, playing trumpet, and school. It was right before 6th grade started, August 1979, when I received my wake-up call, well, a phone call that shook my existence. David Mraz, a playground friend and classmate had passed away from a brain aneurysm while swimming in a pool. A real wake-up call. I was 11 years old when I discovered my life was not a guarantee. I think I have been seriously committed to everything I do ever since.

The rest of my childhood was the product of aerospace. My dad, Bill, worked for a number of aerospace and manufacturing companies. When a contract ended, people were laid-off, and we moved to the next town, state, and job. Picture my mom, Bee, in a full-size Dodge van with five kids and a German Shepard dog, while my dad drove across the country. It is kind of a blur in my memory, but I think I attended eight different schools over the next six years. Since then, I have been incapable of coasting through life. Change became my norm. Accomplishment became my milestones. Ironically, I am not competitive with others. It is much worse, I am competitive with myself and keep raising the bar.

Mom Maggie and her friend at the nursing home, Eugenia
Mom Maggie and her friend at the nursing home, Eugenia

Skip forward to November 2016, mom Maggie lost her battle with ALS. To the end she fought for respect and dignity for everyone in the nursing home. She believed in me and I admire her courage and voice for others. I can’t let her down. My family believes in me. My wife believes in me. I believe in me. But it wasn’t until I felt the reminder of how fragile life is and no guarantee of tomorrow, that I decided I could not wait another day. I had to make a change now. Whatever amount of time I am given on this Earth I have to use to make a difference. I believe I can change the world for the better. Optimistically, I believe that people will embrace it.

If people will embrace 3D Browsing and our concept of 3D Buildings and 3D Communities, we can make the money needed to help so many people with ALS, homelessness, mental illness, addiction, and nursing home quality of life. These diseases and conditions affect everyone and the people closest to us. 

So I pictured where I want to be in a few years… Staying at the County job wasn’t going to get it done. Up to now, I had helped myself and now it is more important to me to help others. I can use my talents to make the money and help others. Don’t get me wrong, I want to make a lot of money to take care of me, my family, and my investors that put their faith in me!

By the time I asked my wife Karen about making a change and giving this business a fair shot, she could see in my eyes and heart that I no longer had a decision to make. It had been made for me, by the deepest part of me. Without hesitation, she once again put her trust in me and said yes.

Now, at the end of March 2017, We survived the change, put our stakes in the ground in San Diego, staying on our sailboat, opened an office, and working full-time for HTTP3D Inc. and 3D Browsing.

Some family and friend investors got us in the office, but we need your help to get the word out: Please try 3D Browsing at and please contact me if you or someone you know would like a 3D Building website! They are great for businesses and organizations, and can draw more attention to your traditional websites. With your help, 3D Browsing will be the future of the internet!

Thank you for your continuous support,

Aaron Dishno Ed.D.
(925) 984-3932

Learn more about 3D Browsing and see our demos at our YouTube Channel (Please subscribe):

See some screenshots of our work at our Pinterest Board:



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