3D Browsing
3D Browsing

3D Browsing

My name is Aaron Dishno Ed.D. I am a programmer and education guru. For over 3 years I have been creating a new internet experience in 3D I call “Walk the Web” (http://WalkTheWeb.com). It is like combining a first person video game with web browsing. (For the tech savvy, it is not a game, download, or browser add-on, but pure HTML 5 and JavaScript so it works on most of the latest browsers). It is 3D interactive browsing (instead of clicking a link and waiting for a webpage to load). Websites are 3D Buildings, web pages are Walls, and you Pan and Walk in and out of the 3D Buildings that can be combined to form Virtual Communities. I believe it is the next generation of Internet. But you have to see it to decide…

I have been the webmaster for the county of San Bernardino for about 10 years, programmer for over 25 years, and have a doctorate in Education, Administration and Leadership. For me it is time to start promoting the website and new 3D Internet technology in the hopes to build a company (HTTP3D Inc. @ http://3d.http3d.net) and attract users and investors. Most importantly, I want to change the world and leave a legacy.


Originally Posted at: https://wp.walktheweb.com/2015/06/19/walk-the-web/

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